KENYA: St. Matthias Mulumba Senior Seminary, Tindinyo, celebrates its Silver Jubilee

Friday 14th February 2014, St. Matthias Mulumba Senior Seminary, Tindinyo,
celebrated its Silver Jubilee in a colourful ceremony that was presided over by
the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan, H.E. Archbishop Charles Daniel
celebration coincided with the Feast Day of St. Matthias Mulumba, the first
Uganda Martyr, who is the patron saint of the seminary that is named after him.
his message, Archbishop Balvo, who has been serving the Church as a priest for
38 years now, said seminaries offer seminarians a chance to forge long lasting
bonds among themselves and with God.
Pope Francis’ recent address to Superiors General of men’s religious orders,
the Nuncio described the process of formation as an art and urged the young
seminarians to respond to God’s call. “Formation is a work of art,” said the
congratulated the seminary for its growth and formation of many priests serving
across the country. “I assure you of my prayers that St. Matthias Mulumba
Senior Seminary will continue to fulfil the mission for which it was founded,”
said the Nuncio.
celebration was held at the Seminary Grounds in Tindinyo, Kapsabet and was
graced by Catholic Bishops in Kenya, alumni of the seminary and friends.

Source: Waumini Communication, KCCB

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