ETHIOPIA: 35 people attend the Workshop On Small Christian Communities.

Group Photo of Workshop Participants

total of 35 people participated in the Workshop whose theme was, “Promoting Small Communities in Ethiopia in
the Light of Pope Francis’ The Joy of the Gospel
” that was held at the
Galilee Centre in DebreZeit, Addis Ababa Ethiopia from 17th to 19th February,
Participants included representatives from ten Dioceses and various Departments
and movements including Pastoral Coordinators and CARITAS department. Those who
attended included twenty priests, six religious sisters, seven laymen and two
the workshop training Abba Hagos Hayish, CM, Secretary General of the Ethiopian
Catholic Bishops Conference stressed on the variety of small communities in
Ethiopia that can help implement the recommendations from the document “The
Church We Want to Be: Elements for a Common Vision of the Pastoral Action of
the Catholic Church in Ethiopia” – (A
Pastoral Letter of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ethiopia).
workshop focused on Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation The Joy of the Gospel
and how the teaching of the Holy Father can enrich the deepening of faith,
arousing enthusiasm in the faithful and promoting holistic development in
strategic pastoral planning. This was
stressed in an intervie
w with Archbishop Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel, the
Archbishop of Addis Ababa, who expressed support for the SCCs in Ethiopia.
Fr. Pikiti, Archbishop Berhaneyesus and Fr. Healey
the spirit of “learning by doing” participants were divided into three Small
Communities with specific names: St. Michael (two small communities) and
Blessed Gebremichael, CM for three separate sessions.
the SEE – JUDGE – ACT reflection method/process, the participants raised nine
challenges among the many issues affecting the Catholic Church and society in
Ethiopia. The following were discussed: “Poverty;” “Unemployment;” “Migration
of young people both from Ethiopia and from the Catholic Church;”  “Ongoing Formation;” “Church and Small
Communities;” “Inter-religious and Ecumenical Dialogue;” and “Marriage and
Family Life.”
participants were also brought into an interactive style of teaching and
learning. They focused on evaluation, revitalization and the joy of
evangelization and pastoral ministry. The group composed a Slogan and Song on
the theme “The Joy of the Gospel is my Strength.” A DVD under the theme “The
Church in the Neighborhood: Small Christian Communities” was presented to the
participants and it included Segment I on “Life and Activities of SCCs” and
Segment II on “Services (Ministries) in the SCC.”
studying Pope Francis’ The Joy of the Gospel and input on Small Christian
Communities, the participants came up with the recommendations for action:
  •       Training
    selected pastoral agents on The Joy of the Gospel.
  •        Planning
    and scheduling Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshops on The Joy of the Gospel on
    the diocesan and parish levels.
  •        Translate
    The Joy of the Gospel into the local languages.
  •        Making
    a summary of the document and disseminating to communities and parishes.
  •      Creating
    a forum for discussion, reflection and sharing at various levels. 
  •      Establishing
    Small Christian Communities (SCCs) and evaluating and revitalizing the Mahber
    in the dioceses and parishes.
is the third in a series of National Small Christian Communities’ Workshops in
the nine AMECEA countries that took place in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The Workshop
was facilitated by Fr. FebianPikiti and Fr. Joseph Healey, MM and was sponsored
by the Pastoral Department of the Ethiopia Catholic Church in conjunction with
the Pastoral Department of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in
Eastern Africa (AMECEA).The first two Workshops took place last year in Zambia
and Malawi.
Fr. Joseph Healey, MM and AMECEA Pastoral Department

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