ZAMBIA: AMECEA Communication Secretary Appointed Bishop of Monze Diocese

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, on 10 February 2014
appointed the Former AMECEA Secretary

Fr Moses Hamungole (second from right)
with Vatican Radio staff (English Africa)

for Social Communications Department, Fr. Moses Hamungole, a New Bishop
of the Catholic Diocese of Monze, Zambia.

The Bishop–elect is taking over the diocese from Right
Rev. Emilio Patriarca who will continue as Bishop of Monze until the new Bishop
is ordained. 

The Bishop–elect, who is incardinated to the Archdiocese of Lusaka, worked at AMECEA
Secretariat as Social Communications Secretary in Nairobi, Kenya between 2002
and 2008 when he went for further studies at the Catholic University of Leuven
in Belgium.

This is the third time that
AMECEA Secretary for Social Communication is appointed a Bishop. The first
communication secretary to be appointed a Bishop was the late Rt Rev Joseph
Mukwaya who headed the department from 1974 to 1979. Bishop Mukwaya was
appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Kampala, Uganda in 1982 and later became  Bishop of Kiyinda-Mityana, Uganda.  The second person was Rt Rev Fortunatus
Lukanima, Bishop Emeritus of Arusha, who worked from 1985 to 1986 as Social
Communications Secretary. He was appointed Bishop of Arusha, Tanzania in 1989.

Speaking to AMECEA Online News, the AMECEA
Communications Secretary, Fr Chrisantus Ndaga who took over the office from the
Bishop-elect  in 2008 said it is a great honor
for the department and for AMECEA secretariat in General. “May God strengthen
and guide him as he takes greater responsibilities in the Church,” he said
adding that “We are planning also to join him during his ordination day in

A Congratulatory message from
the first AMECEA Social Communication Secretary and founder of the department,
Fr. Joseph Healy, MM to the Bishop–elect said AMECEA communication department
is proud of him because of this appointment. “Prayers for sure, Moses. Let us
call on the intercession of Servants of God Cardinal Otunga and Bishop McCauley
to help and strengthen you,” read the message of Fr Joseph Healey.

Until this appointment, Fr.
Hamungole has been working as the Director of English Service -Africa and
Kiswahili radio programmes at the Vatican Radio in Rome, Italy.

The Bishop-elect, Fr. Moses
Hamungole was born on 1 May 1967 in Kafue. He started his junior secondary
school at Kafue Boys but completed his senior secondary school education, in
1986, at Mukasa minor seminary school in Choma. In 1987, he was accepted to
study philosophy and start his priestly studies at St. Augustine’s Major
Seminary in Mpima, Kabwe. Later, in 1990, he proceeded to St. Dominic’s Major
seminary in Lusaka for pastoral and Theological studies. He graduated with a
degree in Theology in 1994.

After his ordination as a
priest on 6 August 1994, Fr. Hamungole worked as an assistant parish priest in
Lusaka and Kabwe before being appointed to the then Yatsani TV Production
studios (now CMS-TV Production studios) as studio manager, in 1997. Two years
later, he proceeded to study at the Gregorian University in Rome where, in
2002, he graduated with a Licentiate in Social Science.

While working at the
Vatican Radio, Fr. Hamungole has also been studying as a doctoral student of
the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium.

SOURCE: ZEC and AMECEA Social Communications

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