AMECEA: USCCB- Catholic Communication Campaign promises more collaboration with AMECEA

Mr Enrico Donzelli
A Consultant for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC), an organ of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – USCCB
Mr Enrico Donzelli has promised for more support and collaboration in the field
of communications in order to strenghtern the communication apostolate in the

Enrico Donzelli who arrived in Nairobi on 31st January
2014 was on a follow up mission of radio and communication network within the member
conferences in the region which is in the three years (2012-2015) strategic
plan of AMECEA Social Communications department.

In an interview with AMECEA
Online News, Mr  Donzelli admitted that the project is still long
way to go but once completed the radio network of KCCB, as a pilot study, will
be a model to follow in other conferences. He said that the radio network is a
good sign that aims at synergizing and consolidating efforts rather than
fragmenting and this will create lots of impact.

Mr Donzelli said that
the intended networking project is extremely valuable because it supports the Pastoral
activities of the Bishops. He said during his visits he witnessed lots of
energy, commitment and very motivated people.  

He said that the Catholic Communications Campaign will be
working hand in hand with these projects to assist staff in bringing ahead the
planning required. Having funded the radio station in Diocese of Kitui last
year, Enrico said that they will want to support other communications project in
the region.

Together with the Director of Waumini Communications
limited, which is the Communications arm of KCCB Mr. David Omwoyo, Mr Enrico
visited Kitui diocese where they just finished constructing a Radio studio,
Isiolo Vicariate and Radio Amani in Nakuru Diocese. Kenya Conference of
Catholic Bishops (KCCB) is taken as a pilot area of this project.

Accompanied by Fr. Chrisantus Ndaga, the Secretary for
Communications Department, Mr Enrico was able to visit St. Augustine University
Tanzania SAUT, (Communication department)
to check out the capacity and facilities which will be used for trainings at
the University.

“The programs at SAUT are quite impressive and it was
interesting to know that the journalism department has existed for over 50
years. It has good facilities, which keep on developing,” he said adding that “We
met a vibrant and committed community of both staff and students.”

The Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Rev Fr Thadeus
Mkamwa was grateful with the idea of using SAUT as a Training place in
communication. “Our department of Journalism has just celebrated 50 years of
existence, so there is no doubt that we have an adequate experience in the
field,” he said.

All in all, he says that the visit was a worthwhile and
appreciated all the commitments AMECEA conferences have in terms of communications
apostolate. He is optimistic that the collaboration between AMECEA and the
USCCB has a brighter future and that more will be accomplished.

Expressing his gratitude for Enrico’s visit, Fr Ndaga, the
Secretary for Communications Department appreciated the initiatives done by
US-CCC in supporting the networking project of AMECEA. He wished that other
partners could join the project so that more Radio Stations could be established
in the  AMECEA member countries.

AMECEA Social Communications

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