ZAMBIA: New Bishop of Mansa Diocese Installed

The fifth Shepherd of Mansa Diocese Rt Rev Bishop Patrick Chisanga, Ofm Conv.  was ordained and installed at a colourful celebration that
took place at Don Bosco Centre in Mansa on 1 February 2014.

In his homily,
the retired Bishop of Mansa, Right Rev. Andrew A. Chisha encouraged Priests,
Sisters and the Laity of Mansa Diocese to work together with their New Shepherd.
He said the new Bishop is not going to be teaching “Trigonometry”… No!” But, he will be teaching the goodness of
Christ through the word of God and example. 

Speaking at
the celebrations, the President of the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC), Most
Rev Ignatius Chama, who was also the ordaining Bishop, on behalf of the
conference, congratulated Bishop Patrick Chisanga and welcomed him as a new
member of the Zambia Episcopal Conference. 
Chama asked the lands and environmental minister, Hon. Harry Kalaba,  who represented the Zambian Government, to
inform the Head of State, President Michael Sata that the Catholic Bishops are
willing to dialogue with the Government on issues raised in their state of the
nation press conference, held recently at Kapingila Guest house in Lusaka. “Go
and tell him (the President) that we (the Catholic Bishops) are open to
The New
Bishop was grateful that the “yes” he said to the Lord when the Pope’s
representative to Zambia Archbishop Julio Murat informed him that the Holy
Father, Pope Francis, had appointed him Bishop of Mansa has now been fulfilled.
“Today that to which I said yes has become a reality. It is done. To God be the
glory forever” said the new Bishop.
“I come
among you in a spirit of obedience and humble service, bearing nothing, but
faith and victory through the cross; equipped with nothing, but the Gospel
message of hope; promising nothing, but love and life in abundance through
committed service,” he said.
Chisanga called for collaboration in his ministry with the laity, priests and
religious of Mansa Diocese.  “My ministry
among you will be guided by the example of Jesus the Good Shepherd who came
that we may have life and have it to the full. I will draw my inspiration from
the humility and holiness of St Francis of Assisi as well as from our Holy
Father, Pope Francis who is constantly challenging us to be true shepherds and
to be so close to the sheep that we too begin to smell like sheep themselves.
Pray for me my dear brothers and sisters so that I may faithfully accomplish
this mission.”
Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Julio Murat in his speech emphasized that a bishop
is like an Angel who should always be before God praying for his people and
leading them to God. 
Speaking on
behalf of the Government Hon. Harry Kalaba thanked the Catholic Church for its
noble work as cooperators in development.
SOURCE: ZEC, Catholic Media

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