SOUTH SUDAN: Catholic Bishops Call for an Urgent Reform in South Sudan

The Catholic
Bishops of Sudan and South Sudan have called for an urgent democratic reform
within SPLM and all political parties in the country – South Sudan.
H.E Gabriel Cardinal Zubeir

In their
Press statement issued on January 31, 2014 and presented by H.E Gabriel
Cardinal Zubeir Wako, the Chairman of the conference, to the press, the Bishops
expressed their concerns for the two countries of Sudan and South Sudan. 

To South
Sudan the Bishops said they were shocked by the degree of the violence happening
in South Sudan.  
“We call for
repentance and conversion of heart. Let those who have committed atrocities
admit it honestly. Admission of guilt is a virtue, not a weakness,” read the
statement adding that “We invite the prodigal son to return to the family, the
lost sheep to the fold, the sinner to right behavior,” the Bishops said in
their statement.
The Bishops
criticized the growing tensions in South Sudan’s governing party, the Sudan
People’s Liberation Movement, saying these tensions played a “significant role”
in the violence. “Internal party disputes should not be allowed to destabilize
the nation,” they said.
They called
for better governance and an end to personalized political power which failed
to serve the best interest of South Sudan communities. The Bishops commended repentance
and reconciliation after an outbreak of violence that killed hundreds of
The Bishops
also called for development of institutions to serve local communities and uphold
South Sudanese values particularly human and religious.
The Catholic
prelates called for an end to corruption that denies services to poor people
and breed hatred and disappointment among the people and institutions in South
The Bishops
appealed for a special support to the Diocese of Malakal that was devastated by
the crisis in mid-December 2013.
They also
made an appeal to all humanitarian Aid Agencies to support vulnerable
communities in Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity States, some parts of South Sudan and
Sudan. They called for the resolution of political and humanitarian crises in
Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, Abyei and South Sudan.
The Bishops also
stressed the importance of prayer in this Peace process.
SOURCE: Catholic Radio Network

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