KENYA: Archbishop Okoth Calls for Respect of Human Dignity

Most Rev Zacchaeus Okoth

Kisumu Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth has urged Kenyans to
respect the dignity of the human person regardless of their status in the society.

In an exclusive interview with Waumini Communications
Limited at the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) General Secretariat,
Archbishop Okoth, who is also the Chairman of the Catholic Justice and Peace
Commission said time has now come when all Kenyans must make a fundamental
choice to treat their neighbours with dignity. 
Archbishop Okoth said the insecurity and wanton killings
currently being experienced in Kenya have been perpetuated by the urge to seek
material things in order to ‘quieten the perpetrators human needs.’
He called on the rich people to support the needy.
“Please be generous, help each other, and pay school fees for the poor
children.” said the Archbishop adding that “God only created two people, male
and female, and these were created with dignity.” 
He condemned the excessive force and storming of a Mosque
in Mombasa on 2nd February 2014 where a police officer and two
Islamic militants were killed following an assault on the controversial Masjid
Musa Mosque as reported in the local media. 
“No one has the right to take away the life of another
person,” he said.


KCCB Waumini Communications


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