MALAWI: Bishops Discuss the Progress of the Preparatory Activities for the 18th AMECEA Plenary Assembly

The Episcopal Conference of Malawi, (ECM) is holding its
first Annual Plenary Meeting from 28th to 31st January
2014 at the Catholic secretariat in Lilongwe, Malawi.

According to the Press Release issued by ECM Secretary
General, Fr George Buleya on 28th January 2014, stated that among
many agendas, the meeting is also expected to discuss the progress of the
preparatory activities for the 18th AMECEA Plenary Assembly to be
held in Malawi from 16th to 26 July 2014.
Furthermore, the meeting is anticipated to discuss the
progress of the preparatory work towards the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
to be held in Rome from 5th to 19th October under the
theme of “Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization.”
The meeting is also attended by the Apostolic Nuncio for
Zambia and Malawi, His Excellency Most Rev Julio Murat and the Charge’ D’affairs
to Malawi, Very Rev Msgr Hubertus Van Megen


ECM, Communication Office

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