KENYA: Cardinal Njue Calls for Christian Unity and Young Christian Professionals’ Protection

H.E.John Cardinal Njue
The Chairman of the Kenya Conference
of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), His Eminence John Cardinal Njue has called for
a promotion of Christian unity as he cautioned Young Christian professionals to make their
impact felt by providing guidance to the country. 
Speaking during a meeting of the
Kenya Christian Professionals Forum (KCPF) at the All Saints Cathedral in
Nairobi on 25th January 2014, Cardinal Njue said Kenya is undergoing
hard times reiterating on the need for young Christian professionals to guide
the nation. 
Cardinal Njue also warned against
ruining the lives of young professionals. “Ruining the lives of these young
professionals is like ruining the nation,” said Cardinal Njue.
Speaking at the same forum when he
delivered the keynote address, the Director of Radio Waumini, Rev. Fr. Charles
Kinyua noted that terrorism, which is usually associated with radical religious
sects, is today showing its face in both political and mainstream religious
organisations, making it difficult to single out individuals who are terrorists
as Christians are also getting into it. 
Fr. Kinyua said terrorism is on the
rise because certain groups are seeking identity as they feel isolated from
mainstream society, noting that the groups are seeking to correct perceived
injustices and do not care about the mode of correcting them.
At the same time, Fr. Kinyua urged
parents to guide their children on the use of the internet, adding that the
internet can be dangerous and a source of destructive information. “As parents,
you should accompany your children while they are using the internet,” said Fr.
Kinyua adding that “If we can’t eliminate terrorism, we can reduce it through
various forums that address injustices”. 
Fr. Kinyua warned religious leaders
against using religion as a way of seeking justice, saying there is need to
‘nurture tolerance and cultural understanding’. 
The Kenya Christian Professionals
Forum (KCPF) is a group of young Christian professionals from various
denominations sharing common values on issues of family, life, religious
freedom and social justice. The group was brought together by the conviction
that the then proposed Kenyan constitution contained provisions that would substantively
alter the hitherto legal positions on the above four areas. 
SOURCE: KCCB Communications Office

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