SOUTH SUDAN: AMECEA Makes a Solidarity Visit to South Sudan

of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) has made a
Solidarity Visit to South Sudan this week with the message of PEACE, calling for an immediate
cessation of fire and hostilities among the People of South Sudan.

delegates left Nairobi for Juba, South Sudan on Thursday 23 January 2014  carrying the Message of Peace to be delivered
on behalf of AMECEA Chairman Most Rev Tarcisio Ziyaye, Archbishop of Lilongwe,
Malawi that was read on the 24 January to the Bishops of Sudan and South Sudan
gathering for an extraordinary Plenary meeting from 21 to 30 January 2014 and
to the Government of South Sudan.

The Team is
comprised of Most Rev John Baptist Odama, Archbishop of Gulu Archdiocese
(Uganda); Most Rev Berhaneyesus Souraphiel, Archbishop of Addis Ababa
Archdiocese (Ethiopia) and Rt Rev Phillip Anyolo, Bishop of Homa Bay Diocese
(Kenya). The delegates are accompanied by Very Rev Fr Ferdinand Lugonzo, AMECEA
Secretary General.

In the
message, AMECEA is appealing for
immediate and unconditional cessation of all hostilities in the entire country
of South Sudan; expansion of the table of negotiations; to the warring parties
and asks all the politicians to soften their positions in the interest of
saving lives.

appeal is also made to the concerned parties, the regional stakeholders and the
international community to ensure that corridors for humanitarian access to the
displaced populations are opened and security provided for those offering
emergency services.

the international community know that there is a moral obligation to intervene
on behalf of the many people in South Sudan whose very survival is threatened
and whose basic human rights are seriously violated. We urge the nations of the
world to support the initiative of Caritas
and all other organizations involved in providing humanitarian
and relief services,” the message read.

The message finally urges all
Christians around the world to pray for a lasting solution to the crisis in
South Sudan and the fruit of lasting peace and unity in the country.

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