SOUTH SUDAN: More than 200 People Die on Ferry Tragedy in South Sudan

More than 200 South
Sudanese civilians have died in a ferry accident on the White Nile river while
fleeing fresh fighting in the northern city of Malakal on Sunday 14 January

Report from South Sudan
said the tragedy was caused by the overloading of the ferry that could only accommodate
less than 100 passengers.  

The victims are said to the
civilians mainly women and children fleeing the fighting between government and
rebel forces in the northern town of Malakal, the capital of the oil-producing
Upper Nile state.  Rumors spread over the
civilians that forces loyal to rebel leader and former Vice President, Riek
Machar, were about to attack the city something which prompted them to leave
the city.

 SOURCE: Online News Agency and AMECEA Social
Communications Office

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