MALAWI: ECM Urges Catholic Communicators, Bishops Secretaries to be Proactive

The Episcopal Conference of Malawi’s (ECM) National
Communications Secretary, Fr. Andrew Kaufa, has urged all the Diocesan
Communications Coordinators and Bishop’s Secretaries in the country to be
proactive while carrying out their duties in their offices.

Participants of Communications Workshop
Fr. Kaufa said this at Bethany Centre in Lilongwe on
Monday 14th January 2014 during the official opening of a three day workshop
for all diocesan Communications and Bishop’s Secretaries in the country.

“There are so many key challenges we face as communicators
and there are so many things that are taking place within the church nationally
and also locally it is up to us to take up such issues to the public before the
message is distorted by the same public,” Kaufa said.

The participants went through various topics including
the topics on News/Press Statement Writing which was presented by Rev Eugene
Ngoma of Mzuzu Diocese.  Also the
participants got a chance to understand the issue of Digital Migration Project which
is now becoming common among the AMECEA member Countries.

Workshop Participants in Session
ECM was planning collaboration and networking among
diocesan Offices as it was noted that sometimes there was some interference
among the head of offices/department while executing their responsibilities in
the diocese. The office plans to put clear demarcations on who should do what
in the diocese in order to promote and enhance efficiency of communications and
avoid communication chaos in the dioceses.

Participants of the workshop came from all the eight
dioceses of Malawi.  


 SOURCE: ECM Communications Office


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