SOUTH SUDAN’s Conflict: Archdiocese of Juba Organizes the Prayer for Peace

Archdiocese of Juba has organized the Prayer for Peace which has started
from the 7th to the 16th of this month.

Most Rev Paolino Lukudu
received from South Sudan said the prayer started with adoration in the
parishes and then with a march to the Cathedral for the Holy Mass. The faithful
congregated at Assumption Chapel, and had a 10-15 minutes walk to the

Grace Paolino Lukudu Loro started the liturgy by calling a young boy of 11 years old who is in primary four of
why people where there. The boy answered “because people were praying for
peace”, His Grace asked but “why peace”, the boy said
“because there was a lot of death in the city of Juba”.

is a lot of death, that is why we are here, praying for peace” His Grace
said. He was moved with tears and the crowd too. “Tears because there is no
peace in this Country. We need peace because people are dying even the children
understand this,” His Grace emphasized.

there is no peace, we want pardon from God. There is no peace because we are
sinners, because there is no one who is good. We are (Church leaders, Government leaders and Christians) a part of why
there is no peace in the city of Juba and in the whole country. There is no
peace because all of us are sinners,” he said.

biblical passage was read from Genesis 4:8-10 (Cain killed his brother Abel).
The Archbishop gave a short reflection on this Scripture, emphasizing the
Brotherhood and the Sisterhood in Christ. “We are not truthful to ourselves.
What is happening among us, is it of people of one country? Where is your
brother that you killed? I am hearing his blood crying from the ground,” he

“With all these, we are not defeated by war, death, and any misbehavior. Let us
continue asking ourselves, where is your brother and where is your sister in
the city of Juba and the country at large? Through these pains, we are not
heading for death but for better life, for better peace and for better honesty
of this country. For Jesus said He is the Way the Truth and the Life,” he said
adding that “If there is anyone among us who still want to fight, to kill and
to rob, that person is defeated”- the people gathered yelled and clapped for
him. “Hope and victory in Christ is what Life is all about,” he said.

that Prayer the South Sudanese flag was adjacent to the altar. There were ten
people for the Prayer of the faithful representing the ten South Sudan States.
They prayed for the people of that state, its resources and the peace that
could reign in that land. After the Prayer of the faithful, these
representatives went to hold the South Sudan flag. After the Prayer of the
faithful the audience sung the South Sudan National Anthem, while the
representatives were holding together the flag.

was also attended by the US Ambassador to South Sudan, Her Excellency, Susan
Page, and Fr. Mark Lotede, Presidential Adviser on Religious Affairs; 48
Priests and two Bishops: His Grace Paolino Lukudu and His Auxiliary His Lordship
Santo Loku.

Jacob Odwa Paul, Secretary General-SCBC

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