KENYA: Catholic Bishops Call for Calm as Final Election Results are Awaited

Catholic bishops
in Kenya have called for calm and peace as the country awaits the final results
of Mondays March 4, General Elections. The tallying process had to start afresh
manually after the electronic sending and compiling system failed and there was
fear that it was prone to manipulation.

The official
final results are expected on Friday 8 although the constitution gives up to
Monday 11 as the deadline. All eyes are on the presidential results considering
that this is what triggered the violence in 2007 when they were disputed.

Below is a
full text of the bishops statement.

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes
his steps”

Proverbs 16:9.

We the
Catholic Bishops in Kenya wish to take this opportunity to thank Kenyans for
having turned out in large numbers on March 4, 2013 and exercised their
sovereign right to elect their leaders in a peaceful manner. These were
historic elections which were waited for with much anticipation and took place
at a critical moment in the country’s history.

As Kenya
waits for the final polls results of various electoral positions and in
particular the presidential results, we should recall the remarkable progress
made over the last few years.

After one of
the darkest episodes in the country’s recent history, following the 2007
elections, Kenya is once again on a positive path.

Kenyans are
working to heal deep wounds of division, by building national cohesion and
unity, and to build an institutional framework to safeguard their nation’s

As Catholic
Bishops in Kenya we wish to state as follows in regard to the on going process:-

1.      We are saddened by the killings of patriotic
Police Officers who were killed in the line of duty. We condemn the act and
take this opportunity to send our heartfelt condolences to their families,
friends and the government for this uncertain and unfortunate loss of lives. We
urge the government to ensure that the culprits of this criminal act are
brought to book as soon as possible. We thank the Inspector General and all the
security enforcement Officers for maintaining peace and order so far and we
urge them not to relent. 

2.      We appeal to Kenyans to remain calm as the
Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission finalizes the poll results of
various electoral positions in the country and in particular, the presidential

3.      We thank all the political aspirants who have
so far conceded defeat and upheld peace after the poll results in various
Constituencies and Counties. On the same note, we urge other political
aspirants to emulate the example that has already been set by these great
states men/women by conceding defeat and embracing peace. In case any aspirant
is aggrieved, to seek legal redress and ask their supporters to be peaceful. 

4.      We urge Kenyans to meanwhile resume their
normal work and continue building the Nation. It is time for schools to receive
back the students/children for normal learning. This is also an appeal to all
those in the public transport sector to resume the facilitation of people to

5.      We congratulate Kenyans for their peaceful
conduct before, during the elections and even now as we await for the release
of final poll results of various electoral positions. We appeal to you to
remain peaceful even after the release of the results. We also appeal to you to
continue praying for the successful completion of the process. 

In conclusion, we remind all Kenyans that
the current phase of the electoral process in the hands of the Independent
Electoral and Boundaries Commission of Kenya is as much a defining point in the
process as the Election Day. The overall credibility and transparency of the
general elections can be assessed after the tallying, the announcement of the
results and any possible petitions are dealt with, in accordance with the laws
of Kenya. 

We once
again appeal to all Kenyans to continue maintaining peace and respect for human
life and to strictly observe the rule of law. 

“…May we
dwell in unity Peace and liberty Plenty be found
within our borders…”

Signed for
and on behalf of all Catholic Bishops in Kenya


Rt Rev Philip Anyolo

Bishop of Homabay

Vice Chairman, Kenya
Episcopal Conference


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