AMECEA: Conferences Set to Journey with Pope BENEDICT on the YEAR OF FAITH

AMECEA countries have already initiated
practical pastoral programs in order to journey with the universal Church on
this pilgrimage of deepening of our faith, of conversion and of rediscovering
our mandate to evangelize.
Speaking to AMECEA Newsletter this week the
AMECEA Pastoral Department Executive secretary Fr Febian Pikiti said he has
received programs which communicate about the initiatives from Conferences in
the region that call every member of the local Church to be part of this
spiritual journey of faith and renewal.
AMECEA Pastoral Department Executive secretary Fr Febian Pikiti said he has
received programs which communicate about the initiatives from Conferences in
the region that call every member of the local Church to be part of this
spiritual journey of faith and renewal.
Fr Pikiti said that during this YEAR of
Faith, the AMECEA Pastoral Department is committed to providing member
countries with a web page that will promote sharing of experiences and pastoral
initiatives that are going on at local levels. “A year of
Faith page link has already been created in the AMECEA Website/pastoral
department where you will find the simplified text of Porta Fidei
as requested by the lay faithful,” he said.
Faith, the AMECEA Pastoral Department is committed to providing member
countries with a web page that will promote sharing of experiences and pastoral
initiatives that are going on at local levels. “A year of
Faith page link has already been created in the AMECEA Website/pastoral
department where you will find the simplified text of Porta Fidei
as requested by the lay faithful,” he said.
The Year
of Faith was inaugurated by the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI on 11th
October, 2012 during the Holy Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
of Faith was inaugurated by the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI on 11th
October, 2012 during the Holy Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
AMECEA Social Communication office
AMECEA Social Communication office