UGANDA: Cattle Raiding Worries Christian Communities in Lira Diocese

Residents from Otuke district, the areas being invaded by suspected Karamojong cattle rustlers fleeing with their Cows to seek for refuge
Fr Isaac Ojok
A section of Christian communities in Uganda’s Lira Diocese is living in fear following the persistent cattle raiding perpetuated by the suspected Karimojong cattle rustlers from the neighboring Kotido district in the North Eastern Uganda.
The Christians who are overwhelmed with fear are in three parishes of Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Parish Orum, Mary Assumpta parish Aliwang including Sts Peter and Paul catholic Parish Omoro all in Otuke and Alebtong districts respectively.
It is reported that the suspected Karimojong herdsmen from Kotido and surrounding districts in the north-eastern part of the country are constantly invading the area especially at night hours and sometimes during the day with intention of grabbing livestock from the local people whose livelihoods depends on livestock and agricultural production among others.
So far, hundreds of cows and other domestic animals have been taken by the suspected warriors according to some victims and some local eye witnesses since they started invading the area two months ago despite the presence of the security forces in the area.
According to some members of the community, the warriors who are well armed with guns, bows, arrows when they arrive in a particular village, their mode of operation is that they fire gunshots in the air to scare away the community so that cows are left free for them to take without any disturbance from members of the community.
The Christians say the situation in the area reminds them of the bitter experience they underwent during the insurgency of the Lord’s Resistance Army rebels (LRA) of Joseph Kony in Northern Uganda.
While sharing with AMECEA correspondent, some pastors in the area disclosed that the cattle looting in the area by suspected warriors has drastically affected their pastoral activities since the area is insecure.
Fr Douglas Ogwal a Curate at Our Lady Queen of Peace parish Orum informed AMECEA correspondent on Thursday 20th April 2023 that as a result of cattle raiding in the area, Christians are no longer going for Sunday liturgical celebrations in their respective churches.
He further informed AMECEA correspondent that on Second Sunday of Easter also Divine Mercy Sunday which was on 16th April 2023, section of Christians escaped from their churches when they received information that most of communities in their vicinity were being invaded by the suspected Karimojong herdsmen in search of cows.
According to the local people, the herdsmen are observed causing destructions especially on food crops since they are uprooting Cassava from the gardens and due to that there is fear among people that the destructive move may lead to starvation in the area.
Furthermore, the raids in the area may hinder the progress and the learning process in the schools since some parents now fear to allow their children to go to school for fear of their lives.
Relatedly, some teachers are reportedly fleeing away from their duty stations to their respective villages for refuge, meaning that if the current trend of insecurity continues, it will lead to high rate of school dropout among the pupils.
Sharing further their grievances with AMECEA correspondent, the Christians say with the endless cases of cattle raiding, they are planning to relocate their families to other districts where they can settle and concentrate in productive activities, educating their siblings respectively.
They decry that having the area invaded by the suspected Karimojong herdsmen will lead to very low production of both subsistence and cash crops because apparently, people are not able to attend to their gardens because of fear for their lives.
During the current wave of hunger in the area, parents with their young children are trekking for long distance in search of places for the safety of their animals.
The area being invaded by the suspected rustlers suffered from the brunt of insurgency perpetuated by the Lord’s Resistance Army rebels (LRA) and at the moment, members of the community are seemingly recovering from the adverse effects of the war that lasted for almost two decades.
The Uganda government has since been implementing disarmament exercise in Karamoja to ensure stability, peace, fruitful production within Karamoja so as to see peaceful coexistence with their permanent brotherly tribes like the Acholi, Lango and the Iteso of Uganda including the Turukana of North Western Kenya respectively.
With the increase in the cattle raids, the civil and political authorities in the area have written to His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda requesting him to intervene over the matter, although there are many layers of authorities and leaders in the region who can handle the matter amicably.
The areas of Lango, including parts of Acholi, and Teso, have for decades suffered from series of cattle raids the problem that prompted the government to recruit and deploy, “Anti-Stock Theft Unit” (ASTU) and other security forces to help deter theft of livestock among the people, although this time, the situation is making people more miserable.