MALAWI: Churches in Malawi Appeal for Cholera Support in Christian Hospitals

Archbishop George Desmond Tambala made his initial complete appointments - Pictured during Sacrament of Confirmation Mass at Kaggwa Parish, Lilongwe(Source Picture File).
Luke Bisani
The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) and Malawi Council of Churches (MCC) have appealed to Government, donors, and other partners to support health facilities under the Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM) with suppliers to help in the fight of the outbreak.
In a joint statement signed by ECM Chairperson Most Rev. George Desmond Tambala and MCC Chairperson Bishop. Dr. Fanuel Magangani, CHAM facilities continue to provide care and support to cholera patients in the country even without cholera treatment unit and oral cholera vaccine which endangers the lives of the front-line workers.
“In Lilongwe, as of 3rd January 2023, less than 10 CHAM facilities had Oral Cholera Vaccine in stock. Additionally, in Zomba, there are 11 CHAM facilities and there is no facility that is an Oral Cholera Vaccine site” reads part of the statement.
“We appeal to the Government of Malawi and its bilateral and multilateral partners, the private sector as well as other well-wishers to make available cholera supplies such as cholera vaccine, chlorine, gloves, IV solution (Lingers Lactate), IV lines, Plaster, drip stands, intravenous cannula, Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), water buckets (tapped and non-tapped), gum boots and tents among others to all CHAM facilities” further reads the statement.
ECM and MCC have further appealed to the government to authorize CHAM to employ temporary frontline health workers to contain the cholera epidemic.
The Church bodies have since applauded Medicines Sans Frontier (MSF) and Malawi Red Cross for their support towards CHAM hospitals in the fight against the pandemic.
On 5th December, last year, the Malawi government declared cholera a public health emergency following an increase in the numbers of people affected by the disease.
Malawi has since registered 27,501 cholera cases from the 29 districts of the country and has recorded 899 deaths as of 19th January 2023.
Established by ECM and MCC in 1966, CHAM compliments the Malawi government’s efforts towards the attainment of Universal Health Coverage through the coordination of health services delivery and health worker training.