UGANDA: Kitgum Mission celebrates 100 years of faith in grand style

Comboni Missionaries in Uganda handing over 
symbols of faith to the local Church
One hundred
years ago a group of Christians flocked to the site of St. Mary’s Catholic
Parish in Kitgum, to witness the Comboni missionaries lay foundation to the first
Catholic Mission in the Eastern part of the Acholi Sub-region. This was exactly
four years after the same missionaries planted the same faith in Gulu (1911).
On Sunday
February 15, 2014 the parish celebrated the centenary in grand style amidst
great jubilation, gratitude to God and to the pioneering missionaries who were
instrumental in sowing the seed of Faith.
The Holy
Mass, which was held under the theme of “Follow Christ Your True Life,” was
presided over by the Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda, H.E. Most Rev. Michael August
Blume. Concelebrating with the Nuncio were the Archbishop of Gulu and Chairman
of the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) Most Rev. John Baptist Odama, Bishop
Joseph Franzelli of Lira Diocese, Bishop Sabino Ocan Odoki of Arua Diocese,
Bishop Linus Sanctus Wanok of Nebbi Catholic Diocese, Bishop Joseph Filippi of
Kotido Diocese, Bishop Damiano Guzzetti of Moroto Diocese, Bishop Emeritus Egidio
Nkaijanabo of Kasese Diocese and Bishop Emeritus Martin Luluga of Nebbi
Catholic Diocese.
H.E. Archbishop Michael A. Blume, Apostolic Nuncio to 
Uganda delivers his homily during the celebrations
There were
also over 50 Priests Concelebrants including the Secretary General of the UEC,
Msgr. John Baptist Kauta, the Vicar General of Gulu Archdiocese, Msgr. Matthew
Odong, and the Provincial Superior of the Comboni Missionaries in Uganda, Fr.
Sylvester Hategek’Imana.
In his
homily, the Nuncio urged Christians to follow Christ since he always calls them
to greater things. “That is the way the church will make its particular
contribution to challenges of urgent secular culture that corrupts traditional culture
satisfied with appearances since it distances men from the church,” Archbishop
Blume said.
He further advised
Christians to act positively by strengthening Catholic schools, changing funeral
cultures so that Christ becomes their salvation, encouraging young couples to
make sacramental marriage and embarking on serious effort at self-support.
Meanwhile, the
President of the Republic of Uganda, His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, who
was the Chief Guest, made a cash donation of Sh30 million towards the Centenary
celebrations. The President also encouraged the Church to cooperate with the
government in its poverty alleviation programs so that the faithful live a
self-sustaining life and avoid laziness and dependency. He cited the Bishop of Kabale
Catholic Dioceses, Bishop Callist Rubaramira who has a tea plantation of 1,800
acres in Kabale and Kanungu districts as a commercial venture and urged
religious leaders to be models in the fight against poverty.
During the
same occasion, Fr. Anthony Nyeko was installed as the new Parish Priest of St.
Mary’s Catholic Parish Kitgum, by Archbishop Odama, replacing Fr. Eliyah Kapaloni.
Women in traditional Ugandan dress leading 
offertory procession
Other religious
leaders and top politicians who attended the celebrations include, the
Archbishop of York in the United Kingdom, Dr John Sentamu, the First Lady and
Minister for Karamoja Affairs, Hon. Janet Museveni, the State Minister for
Foreign Affairs, Hon. Henry Oryem Okello, the Speaker of the East African
Legislative Assembly (EALA) Rt. Hon. Dan Kidega and the Deputy Speaker of
Parliament Rt. Hon. Jacob Oulanya among others.
Among the
fruits of the evangelizing work of the Missionaries in Kitgum and indeed in the
entire Catholic Church was the witnessing of faith through the martyrdom of the
Blessed Catechists Daudi Okello and Jildo Irwa in 1918.
By Jacinta Wangalwa Odongo, Media Officer, UEC

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